Saturday 24 August 2013

Yeppoon and Great Keppel Island

Decisions.. decisions...  bypass Bundaberg on the way to Yeppoon or stop in and "have a look"

Um not a difficult decision really....Bundaberg here we come!!

Bundy Guided Tour - Check
Drip molasses on the missus by accident - Check
Lick it off while female Swedish tourists are watching - Um, no, give me a tissue, I don't want the tourists getting too excited by my antics
Taste Test - Check
$200 on some Bundy as we leave - Check

Next stop Yeppoon.

First thing first, get new locks and keys cut due to my previous mishap. Done!

Now, check out the tides here. Massive. The picture doesn't do it justice. What looks like a boat in the below picture is an island! The beach went from maybe 100m to maybe 600m+. I better remember that for later.

Next stop Great Keppel Island

After a some energizing heart starting bacon and eggs, it was off to the marina for a 300x Keppel Launch Party! And it rocked!

A quick lap of the island was first on the agenda, then time to stop for a closer look.

I anchored up on the beach and headed off to find a coffee shop.

As I walked up the beach I was greeted with this.

I hope this isn't sign of things to come (sorry about the quality, I forgot to wipe the wet camera lens first).

Now, priorities; COFFEEEEEE!!!!

After a short walk, I noticed a resort through the trees in the distance. Sweet, I might grab something to eat too.

Thinking the path into this resort was a little under maintained, I never expected to find what I ended up finding.

To my horror, the resort was closed, and I mean very closed. It was in desperate need of a little whipper snipping....well ok, maybe a lot of whipper snipping. It was something out of a Stephen King novel. I just hope I don't get a crazed mass murderer jump out of the bushes... actually even bumping into another tourist walking along the path will probably make me crap my pants.

Damn, now what.

Thankfully there was a run down souvenir shop with a cheap Aldi style pod coffee machine. Oh well, that will have to do.

Apparently no it won't, my bad juju had followed me to the island, and as the nice lady was trying to make it, the coffee machine coped a dose of my juju and died. Damn, instant it is. It still was a Great Keppel Island coffee non-the-less.

After sipping my four dollar instant coffee and soaking in the view, for an hour or so, it was time to go. Remember those tides.......


It was time for a swim anyway, time to burn that instant coffee off. Do you know how cold the water is when your sunning yourself like a big lizard on an almost deserted island. COLD!

But..... Great Keppel Island - CHECK!

Next stop Whitsundays.... with a new set of keys.. don't forget about my newly cut keys, it's time to test them.

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